home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Macro files /////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- MACROS 'MUI.pma'
- */
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ->////////////////////////////////////////////////////// External modules /////
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- MODULE 'locale'
- MODULE 'muimaster' , 'libraries/mui'
- MODULE 'utility/tagitem' , 'utility/hooks'
- MODULE 'tools/boopsi' , 'tools/installhook'
- MODULE 'icon'
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////// Global variable definitions /////
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- DEF dgce : PTR TO app_obj -> look at GUI.em for "app_obj" object
- DEF string_var : PTR TO CHAR -> used by a notification (see GUI.em, lines 49 and 155)
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ->//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Main Procedure /////
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PROC main() HANDLE
- DEF running = TRUE , result_domethod , signal
- DEF arexx : app_arexx , display : app_display
- DEF change_text_hook : hook , arexx_commands : PTR TO mui_command
- DEF icon = NIL
- -> needed libraries and icon init
- IF ( muimasterbase := OpenLibrary( 'muimaster.library' , MUIMASTER_VMIN ) ) = NIL THEN Throw( "LIB" , "muim" )
- IF ( iconbase := OpenLibrary( 'icon.library' , 0 ) ) THEN icon := GetDiskObject( 'PROGDIR:DemoGenCodeE' ) ELSE Throw( "LIB" , "icon" )
- -> exported variables init
- string_var := 'String variable put !'
- -> MUI GUI init
- -> in GUI.em line 22, you can see the declaration of "app_display" object
- -> each field of this object correspond to a hook function declared in MUIBuilder
- -> in the present case, there is only the "button_pressed" hook function (see GUI.em line 167)
- installhook( display.button_pressed , {button_pressed} )
- -> ARexx init
- -> for ARexx init you must fill an "app_arexx" object defined in GUI.em line 17
- -> this object gets 2 fields : one for the commands and one for the arexx error hook function
- installhook( change_text_hook , {change_text} )
- arexx.commands := NEW arexx_commands[ 2 ]
- arexx.commands[].mc_name := 'change_text'
- arexx.commands[].mc_template := ''
- arexx.commands[].mc_parameters := 0
- arexx.commands[].mc_hook := change_text_hook
- installhook( arexx.error , {arexx_error} )
- -> MUI application creation
- -> for this you call the create method (see GUI.em line 57) on the "app_obj" object
- -> to this method, you must give the "app_display" object
- -> and if you want (not obliged), you can give an icon, the "app_arexx" object and a menu object (obsolete)
- NEW dgce
- IF dgce.create( display , icon , arexx ) = NIL THEN Throw( "MUI" , Mui_Error() )
- dgce.init_notifications( display )
- -> Main loop
- WHILE running
- result_domethod := domethod( dgce.app , [ MUIM_Application_Input , {signal} ] )
- SELECT result_domethod
- CASE ID_BUTTON_PRESSED -> see GUI.em line 42 for the definition of this ID
- set( dgce.tx_result , MUIA_Text_Contents , 'Modifed by ID returned !' )
- CASE MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit
- running := FALSE
- IF ( signal AND running ) THEN Wait( signal )
- SELECT exception
- SELECT exceptioninfo
- CASE "muim"
- error_simple( 'Can''t open muimaster.library !' )
- CASE "icon"
- error_simple( 'Can''t open icon.library !' )
- error( 'Not enough memory !' )
- SELECT exceptioninfo
- CASE MUIE_OutOfMemory
- error_simple( 'Not enough memory !' )
- CASE MUIE_OutOfGfxMemory
- error_simple( 'Not enough chip memory !' )
- CASE MUIE_MissingLibrary
- error_simple( 'Can''t open a needed library !' )
- error_simple( 'Can''t create arexx port !' )
- error_simple( 'Internal problem !' )
- IF dgce THEN dgce.dispose()
- IF icon THEN FreeDiskObject( icon )
- IF iconbase THEN CloseLibrary( iconbase )
- IF muimasterbase THEN CloseLibrary( muimasterbase )
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ->/////////////////// Prints an error message with an intuition requester /////
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PROC error_simple( message : PTR TO CHAR ) IS EasyRequestArgs( NIL , [ 20 , 0 ,
- 'DemoGenCodeE error !' ,
- message ,
- '_OK' ] , NIL , NIL )
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ->///////////////////////// Prints an error message with an MUI requester /////
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PROC error( message : PTR TO CHAR ) IS Mui_RequestA( dgce.app ,
- dgce.wi_the_window ,
- NIL ,
- 'DemoGenCodeE error !' ,
- '*_OK' ,
- message ,
- NIL )
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ->///////// Hook function called each time bt_call_hook button is pressed /////
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PROC button_pressed( hook , obj , msg ) IS set( dgce.tx_result , MUIA_Text_Contents , 'Modified by called hook function !' )
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ->///////////////////// Hook function called by ARexx command change_text /////
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PROC change_text( hook , obj , msg ) IS set( dgce.tx_result , MUIA_Text_Contents , 'Modifed by ARexx command change_text !' )
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ->//////////////////////// Hook function called by ARexx in case of error /////
- ->/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PROC arexx_error( hook , obj , msg ) IS error_simple( 'Unknown ARexx command recieved !' )